All Emily’s poems

By Michele Leggott There are just ten surviving poems by Emily Harris, two from 1860 and eight from the 1890s or early 1900s. They are the visible tip of a writing practice that persisted from the time Emily was a young woman in Taranaki, teaching in her mother’s school before the war, to her later Read More…

The Alexander Turnbull Prints

TradeMe, as we have discovered before, occasionally unearths items related to Emily Harris much to our delight. Back in September last year, Catherine Field-Dodgson wrote ‘Treasure Hunting on TradeMe’ upon finding copies of Emily’s New Zealand Berries, Ferns, and Flowers. Later that year, I found a set of Alexander Turnbull Library prints of three of Read More…

NZ Mountain Flora goes live!

By Michele Leggott Botanical historian F Bruce Sampson thought Emily Harris’s illustrations of New Zealand mountain flora showed the artist’s concern for fine botanical detail as well as pleasing composition: The pen, ink and watercolour originals for the unpublished New Zealand Mountain Flora (PLATES 33 and 34) are superb examples of botanical illustration. They are Read More…

A descendant of James Cobham Harris

By Michele Leggott Professor R. Middleton (University of Bristol) is a direct descendant of Edwin Harris’s older brother James Cobham Harris (1794-1876) [JCH]. Professor Middleton got in touch earlier this year to explain the connection and to forward a selection of images that depict portraits of the Harris family in his possession. We knew already Read More…