Ads in local papers give conflicting information about publisher:

We have been shown a copy of the ‘New Zealand Floral Autograph At Home Book,’ the work of Miss Harris, and published by the proprietors of the ‘Triad,’ Dunedin. This lovely little book, illustrated with well-known and also rare New Zealand flowers, is a want supplied, and should be welcome in every drawing-room. It makes a beautiful Christmas present to friends in England. Miss Harris has the sole right of sale in Nelson. (Nelson Evening Mail 6 Oct 1903: 2)

We have to thank Messrs Hutton and Co., booksellers, Timaru, for sending us a copy of their New Zealand floral autograph At Home Book. From the title ladies will at once see what the little book is used for. Each day of the week has two pages and 24 lines devoted to it, for callers on those At Home to record their autograph. The book is neatly got up, and the floral pictures on each page are very neatly designed and worked. Novelty should create a good demand for copies for home use and -to send abroad. (Timaru Herald 6 Oct 1903: 2)

The New Zealand Floral Autograph At Home Books, at one shilling each, offered by Kirkcaldie and Stains, Ltd., are very artistic, and will be found very useful by the ladies. (LOCAL AND GENERAL. EVENING POST, VOLUME LXVI, ISSUE 84, 6 OCTOBER 1903, PAGE 4)

NEW ZEALAND FLORAL AUTOGRAPH AT HOME BOOKS. Dainty and Artistic Books representing the finest work of clever New Zealand printers and artists. The size is 6in. x 4in.; the covers are of stiff paper in green and gold, and the leaves are of heavy hand-made paper, ruled faintly. New Zealand native flowers are faithfully reproduced, each page illustrating a different kind of flower. Two pages are allotted to each day, thus giving ample space for an extensive visiting list. THE NEW ZEALAND FLORAL AUTOGRAPH AT HOME BOOK will be appreciated by the ladies, because of its elegance and utility. PRICE, ONE SHILLING. KIRKCALDIE & STAINS, LIMITED. (Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 NEW ZEALAND TIMES, VOLUME LXXV, ISSUE 5090, 8 OCTOBER 1903, PAGE 4)

THE FLORAL AUTOGRAPH AT HOME BOOK, containing Charming Reproductions of N.Z. Flowers. Buy one to Post to Friends at Home, and one for your own use. Call and inspect at’ P. W. HUTTON AND CO.’s, Sole Agent. (Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 TIMARU HERALD, VOLUME LXXIX, ISSUE 12206, 27 OCTOBER 1903, PAGE 1)

“At Home.” We have pleasure in informing the ladies of Southland that we have just received a supply of a very neat and artistically got up Floral Autograph ‘At Home Book.’ We feel sure that the ladies will welcome this as meeting a felt want. It makes a nice ornament for the drawing room table. If desired visitors can sign their own names on the page allotted to their special day. There are 27 lines devoted to one day of the week thus providing ample room for the most popular of entertainers to record their friends’ ‘At Home.’ The price is One Shilling. Lillicrap and Co., Esk street. (Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 SOUTHLAND TIMES, ISSUE 19191, 31 OCTOBER 1903, PAGE 2)

NEW ZEALAND FLORAL Autograph “At Home” Book. BEAUTIFULLY Illustrated throughout with New Zealand Flowers. Post free, 1s 2d. Published by P. W. Hutton & Co., Booksellers, Timaru. (Ashburton Guardian 16 Nov 1903: 3)