“Dicksonia squarrosa. A Handsome Tree Fern, slender black trunk 10-20 feet high. Abundant throughout New Zealand”
“Trichomanes reniforme (Kidney fern). Abundant in forest of both Islands, growing on damp and rotten logs. Fronds nearly transparent when fresh. One of the most beautiful and singular ferns; confined to New Zealand.”
“Marattia fraxinea. Edible fern. A very handsome plant growing inland in the North Island. It is much prized for gardens and green houses. The root resembling a horse shoe; is baked and eaten by the Maories.”
“Gleichenia Cunninghamii. The specimen depicted is the natural size as it grew on Mount Egmont range. It is rather a dull green, but the young fronds are a delicate pale green almost white at the tips. It grows in all parts of New Zealand but varies much in size and appearance.”
“Asplenium flaccidum. Grows on the branches of trees throughout New Zealand. One of the most variable ferns known.”
“Asplenium flabellifolium (Whip-cord). Abundant in North and South Islands growing on Rocks and stony places, also in Australia and Tasmania.”
“Adiantum Cunninghamii (Maiden Hair). Growing in dense woods and dark places. A large tropical and temperate genus.”
“Lycopodium Billardieri, varium. This specimen is from the Dun Mountain Line, Nelson. It is frequently of a lovely golden colour.”
“Gleichenia circinate. Natural size. It grows on the Mineral Belt of the Dun Mountain, Nelson.”
“Botrychium Virginicum. Root of thick fleshy fibres bearing one erect much divided frond and a branched seed bearing spike. The seed is a golden colour. Tonga and Fisherman’s Island, Nelson.”
“Pteris tremula. A pale green Fern, abundant throughout New Zealand.”
“Lomaria procera. One of the most variable of ferns.”