Below is a gallery collating paintings by Emily Cumming Harris from across multiple collections in the Alexander Turnbull Library, both singles not assigned a collection and volumes 2, 3, and 4 of the ‘New Zealand flowers in colour’ collections. This does not include New Zealand Mountain Flora or Alexander Turnbull Library’s copies of New Zealand Flowers, Berries, and Ferns.
Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: Earina autumnalis; N.Z. orchid / E C Harris [189-?]. Ref: C-024-014. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23144355
Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: [Herbs from] Mt Egmont. [1895?]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 2. Ref: C-023-007. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22914868
Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: Celmisia hieracifolia (?Mt Egmont). [1890s?]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 2. Ref: C-023-004. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23156178
Harris, Emily Cumming, 1837?-1925: Rangiora. Brachyglottis rangiora. 1887. Ref: C-024-007. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23131009
Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925:[Pohutukawa, clematis, bluebell, snowberry and ranunculus. 1890s?]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 2. Ref: C-023-014. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22906947
Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: Ranunculus. Myosotis australis (yellow forget-me-not). Notothlaspi australe. [1890s?]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 2. Ref: C-023-008. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22298081
Harris, Emily Cumming, 1837?-1925: [Ranunculus insignis. 1890s?]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 2. Ref: C-023-016. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23150611
Harris, Emily Cumming, 1837?-1925: Aralia lyallii (The Snares). [1890s?]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 2. Ref: C-023-003. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22917048
Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: Wahlenbergia gracilis. [1890s?]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 3 [1890s]. Ref: B-018-017. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22839813
Harris, Emily Cumming, 1837?-1925: Celmisia longifolia, lingusticum aromaticum, libertia ixioides, pimelea suteri, claytonia australasica [1890s?]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 2. Ref: C-023-001. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22709556
Harris, Emily Cumming, 1837?-1925: Knightia excelsa (Rewarewa). [ca 1890]. Ref: C-024-008. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22809966
Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: Celmisia chapmanii (Campbell Island). Celmisia vernicosa – Campbell Island. [1890s?]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 2. Ref: C-023-018. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23061612
Harris, Emily Cumming, 1837?-1925: Mysosotidium nobile (Chatham Island lily – giant forget-me-not [myosotidium hortensia. 1890s?]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 3 [1890s]. Ref: B-018-012. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22893105
Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: Freycinetia banksii (Kiekie). Flower showing fruit- Tawhara (Taranaki). [1880s or 1890s?]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 3 [1890s]. Ref: B-018-008. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22758548
Harris, Emily Cumming, 1837?-1925: [Pterostylus banksii and microtis unifolia. 1860s?]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Vol 4. Ref: A-062-002. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22812770
Harris, Emily Cumming, 1837?-1925: Pleurophyllum speciosum (Adams Isld). [1890s]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 2. Ref: C-023-005. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22338906
Harris, Emily Cumming, 1837?-1925: Cordyline Banksii. [1880s or 1890s]. Ref: C-024-009. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22788508
Harris, Emily Cumming, 1837?-1925: Astelia cunninghamii. (Kowharowharo). [Between 1880 and 1900?]. Ref: C-024-006. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22342703
Harris, Emily Cumming, 1837?-1925: Metrosideros tomentosa (pohutukawa). [1890s?]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 3 [1890s]. Ref: B-018-010. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22373171
Harris, Emily Cumming, 1837?-1925: Sophora tetraptera (kowhai). A small tree growing in North and South Islands. It is thickly covered in early spring with golden yellow flowers. The wood is exceedingly hard. [1899?]. Ref: PUBL-0024-1-05. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22876706
Harris, Emily Cumming, 1837?-1925: Dianella intermedia. Blue berry. [1890s?]. Ref: C-024-011. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22860743
Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: Coprosma baueri (taupata). [189-?]. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 3 [1890s]. Ref: B-018-007. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23064519
Harris, Emily Cumming, 1837?-1925: [Kiekie (freycinetia banksii), nikau (rhopalostylis sapida), five finger (pseudopanax arboreum) and karaka (corynocarpus laevigata) in fruit]. 1879. Harris, Emily Cumming 1837?-1925: New Zealand flowers in colour. Volume 2. Ref: C-023-002. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23028280