Harris and Weyergang Album Photographique
The large format Album Photographique contains studio portraits of Harris family members in New Zealand, Australia, England and Germany. Most prints are cartes de visite, with some cabinet photographs, and many have inscriptions recto or verso. Some have been hand coloured. There are also six pages of CDV reproductions of British and European paintings, some family ephemera, an anonymous printed poem and nine loose inserts. The earliest photographs appear to be from the 1860s, the latest from the 1910s, with at least one photo from the 1920s. There is one photographic reproduction of an 1840s daguerrotype.
The album carries no indication of who assembled it or when. It is likely to have been in the possession of Mary Weyergang née Harris (1845-1932) before passing to her daughter Ellen Gretchen Briant (1876-1954) and to Gretchen’s son Philip Winning Briant (1902-1987). The album currently belongs to Philip Briant’s daughter Roseanne Cranstone (b.1953). Handwritten inscriptions throughout belong to family members and it should be possible to identify some of them.
Other similar looking CDV albums are dated 1860-1870.
Cartes de visite was introduced to England in 1857. In May 1860, J.E. Mayall took carte portraits of Queen Victoria, Prince Albert and their children. These were published later that year and the popularity of carte portraits soared.”
Cover and title page
- Emily and Sarah Harris (NZ)
- Emma Cole (England)
- Stuart and Fanny Rendel (England?), Emily and Frances Harris (NZ)
- Blank
- Weyergangs (Germany)
- Weyergangs (Germany)
- Ellen Harris (NZ)
- Mary Mountjoy Paddon (photo missing)
- Weyergangs (Germany)
- Alexander and Elisabeth Drewes, Weyergangs (Germany)
- Edwin and Frances Harris (NZ)
- Mary and Ellen Harris (NZ)
- Frances Harris (NZ) and unknown
- Blank
- Boy or young man, Auckland (NZ)
- Harry Moore, Bathurst (Australia)
- George Dobson, James Cobham Harris, William Hill, woman (England and France)
- Daughters of Henry Marmaduke and Elizabeth Harris (England)
- Courts (England)
- Courts (England)
- Murrays (England)
- Archibald Murray, Ann and Mary Mountjoy Paddon (England)
- Blank
- Blank
25-30. British and European paintings in reproduction
- New Plymouth Boys’ High School (NZ)
- Blank
- Emily Harris reproduction, Māori man, political cartoon (NZ)
- James Upfill Wilson (NZ), Unknown (NZ), HRH Prince Albert (England)
- Repeat of Emily Harris reproduction
- Repeat of James Upfill Wilson (NZ), Christchurch, Nelson, Auckland photos (NZ)
- Misses Fanny and Casina Carandina, King of Prussia, streetscape (Australia, Germany, NZ)
- John Gully, Gretchen Weyergang / Briant, child (NZ)
- Auckland photos (NZ)
- Anonymous poem, ‘Taranaki 1859 and 1860’ (NZ)
- Constance Weyergang and daughters Margaret, Friedl and Faith (NZ)
- Young man, New Plymouth (NZ)
- Weyergang, young woman (Germany)
- Copy of Edgar Albert Guest poem, ‘Living Flowers’
- Julius Von Haast? (NZ)
- Margaret Weyergang (NZ)
- Lord Stuart Rendel’s London residence, 10 Kensington Palace Green (England)
Album Photographique
Album Photographique cover and title page
Page 1
Top right: [Emily Cumming Harris, 1880]
Verso: Stewart & Co Photographers, Bourke St East Melbourne. Hernon K C Reg.
Note: see Dunedin Public Libraries CDV, same photo, inscribed 1881, ref. ZARCH 280.
Bottom left: Emily Cumming Harris, 1860s.
Verso: WD Altiori City Photographic establishment Alfred Bock 140 Elizabeth St Hobart Town.
Notes: The photograph is undated but must have been taken between 1861 and early 1865, when Emily left Hobart for Auckland. It has been hand-coloured with watercolour paint that has damaged the print.
Bottom right: Sarah Harris. Inscription ‘New Zealand.’
Verso: Under the patronage of his excellency the governor DM Isaacs Photographer Nelson New Zealand. Marion. Imp. Paris.
Note: Sarah Harris née Hill (1806-1879), wife of Edwin Harris. 1 son, 7 daughters (including Emily Cumming Harris). See Nelson Provincial Museum, same photo, ref. 6411
Page 2
Top right: [Emma Elizabeth Cole, daughter of George and Elizabeth Cole, née Hill]
Verso: ‘Emma Elizth Cole died May 1st 1865 aged 15.’ The Holloway school of photography G. Williams & Co. Pear Tree Cottage Holloway Road opposite the Camden road.
Page 3
Top left: [Stuart Rendel]. Clipping pasted next to newspaper or periodical photo. ‘Lord Rendel, who leaves no son to succeed him in his barony, was raised to the Peerage in 1894. As Mr. Stewart Rendel, he sat as M.P. (Liberal) for Montgomeryshire from 1880-1894. He was at one time London manager of Lord Armstrong’s engineering firm. For 6 years he was President of the Welsh National Council, and he was also President of the University College of Wales. In 1857 he married Miss Ellen Hubbard, a niece of the first Lord Addington.’ Beneath the photo: ‘The Late Lord Rendel. The first Baron – formerly M.P. for Montgomeryshire and a great friend of Mr. Gladstone.’
Verso: print from article in newspaper or periodical.
Top right: inscription ‘Aunt Francis Emily Bowen née Rendel.’
Verso: inscription ’Fanny Rendel oldest daughter of James Meadows Rendel and Catharine Jane Rendel born Harris, taken just before her marriage. Francis Emily Bowen 1862 or 61.’ C Silvy 38 Porchester Terrace Bayswater W.
Notes: Fanny Bowen was a sister of Stuart Rendel and a cousin of Emily Harris.
Bottom left: Emily Cumming Harris
Verso: WD Altiori City Photographic establishment Alfred Bock 140 Elizabeth St Hobart Town.
Notes: The photograph is undated but must have been taken between 1861 and early 1865, when Emily left Hobart for Auckland. It has been hand-coloured with watercolour paint that has damaged the print.
Bottom right: Frances Emma Harris
Verso: WH Clarke Photographer Lambton Quay Wellington New Zealand.
Notes: Frances Emma Harris (1842-1892), born in New Plymouth, NZ, fourth daughter of Edwin and Sarah Harris, née Hill. See p.11, top right, same photo. Different photo from the same photoshoot in Alexander Turnbull Library. PA2-0491. The ATL photo was taken by William Henshaw Clarke (1831-1910), probably at his studio in Wellington.
Page 4 [blank]
Page 5
Top left: [Woman]
Verso: Photographie von Carl Meyer Lauenburg, a. d. E.
Top right: [man]
Verso: Ed. Von Spoenla Hof-Photograph Cöthen 9. Leopoldstrasse 9. Prämiirt Halle A/S. 1881. Die Platte bleibt für Rachbestellungen aufbewahrt.
Notes: beneath these photos is a pencil inscription: ‘Weyergang.’
Bottom left: [man]. Inscription ‘Hermann.’
Verso: Photogrph. Atalier von Robert Hummel in Coethen. Inscription in pencil, looks like Gothic cursive from the 19th Century, could be German, can make out ‘Hermann … Coethen … 1st August 1872.’
Bottom right: [woman]
Verso: same inscription, illegible.
Page 6
Top left: inscription ‘Johanna.’
Verso: Atelier von C L Michaelsen in Wismar Luebschestr.34. Die Platte Hiesst zum Nachbestellen aufbewahrf.
Top right: [woman]
Verso: Atelier von C L Michaelsen in Wismar.
Bottom left: [two women, one seated, one standing]
Verso: blank
Bottom right: [young man]
Verso: Vogler et Comp. Photogruphisches Atelier Greifswald Kuh- Str No 42 Wolgast Jungfern Str No 17.
Page 7
Cabinet photo, Ellen Harris, handcoloured: inscription ’Ellen Harris.’
Verso: English and Continental Photographic Artist Nelson NZ – In Block.
Notes: Ellen Harris (1851-1895), born in New Plymouth, NZ, youngest daughter of Edwin and Sarah Harris, née Hill. Dressed as ‘Queen of the Butterflies.’ A copy also available in Nelson Provincial Museum, ref. 7922
Page 8
Cabinet photo missing, inscription ‘Cousin Mary Mountjoy Paddon.’
Notes: Mary Mountjoy Paddon (1849-1925) was the daughter of Francis William and Ann Paddon, née Hill.
Page 9
Top left: [young man]
Verso: Johannes Kalcke Photogruphisches Atelier Wismar Kraemer Strasse 8.
Top right: [older woman]
Verso: F. Baasch Photogruphisches Aterlier Eckernfoerde Nicholaistrasse 47. Die Platte bleibt fur Nachbestellungen aufbewarht
Bottom left: [woman holding small child]
Verso: blank
Bottom right: [family group, parents and six children]. Inscription above photo: ‘Coethen 1881.’
Verso: Ed von Spoenla. Hof-Photograph S. Hobeit des Herzogs v. Anhalt. Firma: Rob Hummel. Coethen. 9. Leopoldstrasse 9. Inscription, cursive German, can read: M’ary… familia … Hermann Weyergang Coethen 24 Jans 1881.’
Notes: Parents may be the man and woman bottom left and bottom right on page 5, same family group as bottom left of page 10.
Page 10
Top left: [young man] pencil inscription under photo: ‘Alexander Drewes.’
Verso: inscription, (possibly) German…. ‘von Alexander Drewes.’
Top right: [young woman] Pencil inscription: ‘Elisabeth Drewes.’
Verso: Atelier von C.L. Michaelsen in Wismar Lubschestr. 34. Die platte bleibt zum Nachbestellen audbewahrt.
Bottom left: [family group, parents and three children] Pencil inscription below photo: ‘Weyergang family?’
Verso: ‘No.1 Johanna 24 May 68, No. 2 Helene 2 Dec 69, No 3 Lisschen 4 April 70.’ Two illegible words. Photogrph Atelier von Robert Hummel in Coethen.
Notes: same family as p.9, taken at an earlier date with three eldest daughters, their birth dates on verso.
Bottom right: [man] pencil inscription below photo: ‘Weyergang?’
Verso: Fried Nissen Lauenburg (Elbe) Chausseestrasse 5.
Notes: Carl Philip August Alexander Weyergang (1829-1904) came from Lauenburg (Elbe).
Page 11
Top left: [man]. Inscription below photo: ‘Edwin Harris?’
Verso: blank
Top right: Frances Emma Harris. Pencil inscription: ‘Sarah Harris? née Hill.’
Verso: W. H. Clarke Photographer Lambton Quay Wellington New Zealand. Copyright Marion, Imp Paris, Depose.
Notes: Frances Harris (1842-1892), born in New Plymouth, NZ, fourth daughter of Edwin and Sarah Harris, née Hill. Same photo as p.3 bottom right. Different photo from the same photoshoot in Alexander Turnbull Library. PA2-0491. The ATL photo was taken by William Henshaw Clarke (1831-1910), probably at his studio in Wellington.
Bottom left: Frances Emma Harris. Pencil inscription below photo: ‘Frances Harris.’
Verso: blank
Notes: Frances Emma Harris (1842-1892), born in New Plymouth, NZ, fourth daughter of Edwin and Sarah Harris, née Hill. See same photo in Nelson Provincial Museum ref. 1689. This photo was taken by William Davis (1837- 1875), probably while he operated his Nelson studio.
Page 12
Top left: Mary Rendel Harris. Pencil inscription: ‘Mary Rendel Harris.’
Verso: blank
Notes: Mary Rendel Weyergang née Harris (1845-1932), born in New Plymouth, NZ, fifth daughter and Edwin and Sarah Harris, née Hill.
Top right: Ellen Harris.
Verso: inscription: ‘59740.’ Honourable mention for portraits and views Nelson exhibition 1873 Nelson Academy of photographic art. W. E. Brown Hardy St Nelson Honourable mention for portraits Hokitika exhibition 1873 Copies may be had by sending above number. Copyright Marion, Imp Paris, Depose.
Notes: Ellen Harris (1851-1895), born in New Plymouth, NZ, youngest daughter of Edwin and Sarah Harris, née Hill.
Bottom left: Ellen Harris. Partly erased pencil inscription
Verso: English & Continental photographic artists Nelson New Zealand.
Notes: Ellen Harris (1851-1895), born in New Plymouth, NZ, youngest daughter of Edwin and Sarah Harris, née Hill. Same photo can be found in Nelson Provincial Museum ref. 4267. This particular photo is part of Nelson Provincial Museum’s Bloch Collection, probably dating it between 1878 and 1881.
Bottom right: Ellen Harris. Partly erased pencil inscription
Verso: blank
Notes: Ellen Harris (1851-1895), born in New Plymouth, NZ, youngest daughter of Edwin and Sarah Harris, née Hill. Same photo can be found in Alexander Turnbull Library, PA2-0591. This photo was taken by William Davis (1837- 1875), probably while he operated his Nelson studio. William Davis also made a portrait of Frances Harris. The inscription on the back of the copy in the Alexander Turnbull Library reads ‘Kate and Alfred with Nellie’s best love… Ellen Harris.’ i.e. Ellen inscribes the photo to her sister Catherine (Kate) and brother-in-law Alfred Moore of New Plymouth.
Page Notes: Pencil inscription in centre of album page: ‘Harris sisters.’
Page 13
Top left: Frances Emma Harris. Repeat of photo p. 11 bottom left. Isaacs Photo Nelson
Verso: inscription: ‘Aunt Frances Harris?’
Notes: Frances Emma Harris (1842-1892), born in New Plymouth, NZ, fourth daughter of Edwin and Sarah Harris, née Hill. See same photo in Nelson Provincial Museum ref. 1689. This photo was taken by William Davis (1837- 1875), probably while he operated his Nelson studio.
Top right: [woman, handcoloured print now faded. Blue eyes.]
Verso: blank
Bottom right: [young girl]
Verso: blank
Notes: possibly Catherine (Kate) Moore née Harris (1839-1913), born in Dulverton, Somerset, England, second eldest daughter of Edwin and Sarah Harris née Hill.
Page 14: blank
Page 15
Single cabinet photo: [boy or young man]. F W Edwards Auckland New Zealand.
Verso: blank
Page 16
Single cabinet photo: [young man.] Cabinet portrait.
Verso: M L Kilborne Photographer George St Bathurst. Inscription: ‘H N M, N.S.W. [one word, Queensland? Australia?]
Notes: Possibly Alfred Henry (Harry) Moore (born 1864 in New Plymouth, still living in 1927 probably in Australia)? Eldest son of Alfred and Catherine Moore, née Harris. In 1890 Harry Moore was a member of the Bathurst Brass Band (Emily Harris diary).
Page 17
Top left: inscription (in ink): ‘Uncle George Clarice Dobson taken 1861.’
Verso: inscription: ‘George Clarice Dobson taken about 1861 or 1862 Uncle Dobson.’ The London stereoscopic and photographic company 110 Regent St. And at 54 Cheapside.
Notes: George Clarisse Dobson (1801-1874) married Augusta Harris, Edwin’s sister in 1835.
Top right: inscription: ‘Uncle James Cobham Harris 1863.’
Verso: J.E. Palmers, ground floor gallery, 58 Union St Stonehouse Devon.
Notes: James Cobham Harris (1794-1876) was Edwin’s older brother. He was a successful portrait painter.
Bottom left: inscription below photo: ‘Uncle William Hill.’
Verso: A. Leiber A F S [?] Photographie Americaine 13 Boulevard des Capucines Paris.
Notes: William Hill (1799-1870s?) was Sarah Harris’s elder brother, resident in France.
Bottom right: [woman]
Verso: inscription: ‘For Miss Harris.’ Under royal distinguished patronage T. Fall 9 Baker St portman square W. (For many years Chief photograph to Messrs. Elliott & Fry.). Pencilled number 7065.
Page 18
Top left: [Mary Mountjoy Paddon (1849-1925)]
Verso: inscription ‘J. G Bullingham photo.’ William Heath 4 George St Plymouth.
Notes: A similar photo and inscription occur in Grace Hobbs’ gift to Godfrey Briant of loose family photos, now in Briant Collection. Grace’s photo carries the following notes:
Printed writing on front: Heath / Plymouth
Handwriting on front: Cousin Mary
Handwriting on reverse in black ink: For Grace / Mary Paddon / your grandmother’s only niece
Printed writing on reverse: William Heath / 4 George Street / Plymouth
Handwriting underneath: J. G. Bullingham / Photo
Top right: [woman] inscription ‘E C Harris.’
Verso: ‘E C Harris.’
Note: possibly Elizabeth Corker Harris (Bessie) (born c1853), daughter of Henry Marmaduke and Elizabeth Harris.
Bottom left: [woman]
Verso: inscription ‘for E M Harris.’ Hennah & Kent 108 Kings Road Brighton no. [in pencil] 36286.
Notes: possibly Emily Murray Harris (born c1850), daughter of Henry Marmaduke and Elizabeth Harris.
Bottom right: [woman, handcoloured with gold details]
Verso: inscription ‘Kate.’
Notes: possibly Catherine Mary Harris (born c1855), daughter of Henry Marmaduke and Elizabeth Harris.
Page 19
Top right: inscription ‘Aunt Emma Harris, Mrs Stephen Court.’
Verso: inscription ‘Emma Harris. Mrs S C Court. 1864 or 65. Done by an amateur no good likeness of dear mama she has not been taken by a first rate photographer.’
Notes: photos on this page possibly inscribed by Catherine (Katie) Court (b. 1835), eldest daughter of Stephen and Emma Court.
Bottom left: inscription ‘Mary Harris Court’
Verso: inscription ‘The only good likeness only once taken since & that not by a good person. Mary Harris Court about 1860 or 1861.’ Greaterex, 263 Hope Street, Glasgow.
Notes: Piece of paper attached to photo with inscription: ‘daughter of Stephen and Emma Court.’ Emma Harris (1802-1889) married Stephen Collins Court (died 1858?) in 1832. Emma Court was Edwin Harris’s elder sister.
Bottom right: inscription ‘Archibald Court’
Verso: inscription ‘Archibald Court second son of Stephen and Emma Court. Paymaster in [one word] H R S Stroke Hong Kong [6 kina or Okina]. photography in all its branches Cartes de visites finished by a patent glazing machine Sheernes’s H Hunt Jun photographer no 1 constantia terrace marine town.’
Page 20
Top left: inscription ‘Cousin Emma Court 3rd daughter of Stephen & Emma Court.’
Verso: Photographed by S M Webster 33 Bridge Street Warrington. Inscription ‘Emma the younger 3rd daughter of Stephen and Emma Court. Emma Court 1862 or 63.’
Top right: inscription ‘Cousin Catherine Court.’
Verso: inscription ‘Catherine Court May 1870 the last photograph taken the negative unfortunately broken. From Mary’s Album.’
Bottom left: inscription ‘Cousin Dr Adam Smith Court’
Verso: inscription ‘Adam Smith Court younger son of Stephen and Emma Court. Died April 14 1874. 1870. Alexander brothers artists 88 Renfield St corner of Bath Street Glasgow. All our negatives are artistically modelled previous to being printed.’
Bottom right: inscription ‘Faith Joplin, Mrs Adam Court’
Verso: inscription ‘Faith Jopplin 1872 Mrs Adam S Court married 1874.’
Page 21
Top left: inscription ‘Uncle David Murry [sic]’
Verso: inscription ‘David Murray Esquire taken just before passing. From Mary’s album.’ ArchD G. Rider portrait & landscape photographer 16 Bernard Street Southampton.
Notes: Ellen Susan Harris (1819-1863) married David Murray (1803-1858) c1847-49. Ellen was the youngest sister of Edwin Harris.
Top right: inscription ‘Aunt Ellen Murry’
Verso: inscription ‘Ellen Susan Harris. Mrs David Murray. The only likeness copied from a daguerreotype taken just before her marriage.’
Bottom left: inscription ‘Cousin C. H. Murry’
Verso: inscription ‘Charles Henry Murray Eldest Son of David and Ellen Murray. About 1871 or 72. Mechanical engineer, Ordnance Works, Alswick [sic] Newcastle’
Notes: the Elswick Ordnance Company also known as the Elswick Works, est. 1847.
Bottom right: inscription ‘Cousin Francis Edwin Murry’
Verso: inscription ‘third son of David & Ellen Murray. Francis Edwin Murray 1873.’
Page 22
Top left: inscription ‘Cousin Archibald Murry’
Verso: inscription ‘Archibald James Murray 1873 Second son of David and Ellen Murray. Clerk in the bank of England.’ Photographers to H R H the Prince of Wales and to H R H the Duke of Edinburgh. Sole photographers to the international exhibition 1862. The London stereoscopic and photographic company 54 Cheapside 110 and 108 Regent St.
Top right: inscription ‘Aunt Paddon.’
Verso: Photographers to H R H the Prince of Wales and to H R H the Duke of Edinburgh. Sole photographers to the international exhibition 1862. The London stereoscopic and photographic company 54 Cheapside 110 and 108 Regent St.
Notes: Ann Mountjoy Hill (1808-1887) married Francis William Paddon (c1804-185x) c.1836-37. Ann Paddon was a younger sister of Sarah Harris.
Bottom left: inscription ‘Cousin Mary Mountjoy Paddon.’
Verso: inscription ‘Ellen from her cousin Mary Mountjoy Paddon.’ Elliott & Fry 55 Baker Street Portman Square W.
Notes: Mary Mountjoy Paddon (1849-1925) was the daughter of Francis and Ann Paddon.
Page 23: blank
Page 24: blank
Pages 25-30
British and European paintings in reproduction, CDV formats.
[Broad description: biblical and historical figures, some portraits, some scenes with cherubs, lambs etc., women gazing out of frame. Nun figures, Jesus, Angel figures, godlike figures, gazing up into the sky.]
[Christoph Willibald (Ritter von) Gluck was a composer of Italian and French opera in the early classical period.]
Abraham & Hagar Flink
[Dutch painter Govert Flinck]
David & Saul Schopin
Abraham and Hagar Horace Vernet
Vernet [painter]
Giloty & Loehyl Munchen
Verbum caro factum Maratti
Christ weeping over Jerusalem east lake
Notes: can we identify some of these paintings and painters? Where do the cards originate and when? Who has sent them to the Harrises or Weyergangs in NZ?
Page 31
Single cabinet photo: ‘New Plymouth Boys’ High School, 1880s?’
Verso: Pencil inscription ‘High School New Plymouth NZ.’
Notes: possibly includes Carl Herman Alexander Weyergang (1872-1932) or Otto Philip August Weyergang (1878-1918), sons of August and Mary Weyergang.
Page 32: blank
Page 33
Top right: reproduction of Emily Harris flower drawing pasted on CDV
Verso: blank
Bottom left: portrait of Māori man pasted on CDV
Verso: blank
Bottom right: image of pen drawing of two fighting dogs. From a magazine. Can’t get it out to check reverse. Cartoon. Playing over a bit of rubbish that says ‘Egmont.’ ‘Sta—-d and ye family’ top right above one dog, in middle of background, couple of eagles circling a skull and it says ‘whitecliffs.’ Bottom left under other dog: ‘Atk…..’ Artist signature M…H…
Verso: blank
Notes: Mary Harris? Stafford? Atkinson? A political cartoon about Taranaki electorate?
Page 34
Top left: James Upfill Wilson
Verso: inscription ‘N D Push.’
Notes: James Upfill Wilson (1834-1878). See same photo in Nelson Provincial Museum ref. 10291. See also James Upfill Wilson and James Upfill Wilson redux
Top right: [middle-aged man] handcoloured
Verso: C H S Lawrence Christchurch Canterbury.
Bottom right: coloured image of H R H Prince Albert CDV format.
Verso: blank
Page 35:
Top left: Repeat of : reproduction of Emily Harris flower drawing pasted on CDV
Verso: blank
Page 36
Top left: Repeat of page 34 top left photo. James Upfill Wilson
Top right: Repeat of page 34 top right photo. [middle-aged man] handcoloured
Bottom left: [Three houses behind a picket fence at an angle to the viewer. Foreground grass, at least 8 figures mostly men or boys]
Verso: inscription ‘Mary with Ellen’s love.’ English & Continental Photographic Artist Nelson New Zealand.
Bottom right: [man]
Verso: R H Bartlett (Late Bartlett & Co) Queen St Auckland negative of this print is preserved and copies can be had at any time by book post or otherwise.
Page 37
Top left: inscription ‘Miss Fannie Carandina.’
Verso: H Hewitt Photographer Australasian Studio 95 Swanston Street Melbourne.
Top right: [Miss Kasina Carandina]
Verso: inscription ‘Miss Kasina Carandina.’ H Hewitt Photographer Australasian Studio 95 Swanston Street Melbourne.
Bottom left: image of the King of Prussia CDV format
Verso: blank
Bottom right: image of a streetscape printed onto card featuring a Tobacconist selling Havana cigars, a person and a dog at door
Verso: blank
Page 38
Top left: [John Gully?]
Verso: inscription ‘E C Harris [looks like Emily’s handwriting] John Gulley.’
Top right: [older man]
Verso: Wigglesworth & Binns Wellington New Zealand.
Notes: Emily Harris portrait inscribed ‘For Mrs Callis, with kind love, 8/3/81.’ is from the same studio. Emily and John Gully were both in Wellington Jan 1881 en route from Melbourne to Nelson. Gully disembarked, Emily may also have stayed in Wellington for some time. Possible identities for this photo include John Gully and Charles Callis.
Bottom left: [Gretchen Weyergang, later Briant]. Ripped piece of paper attached with inscription ‘Gretchen … Scheffer’
Verso: from the studio of Williamson & co photographers and artists New Plymouth NZ.
Notes: Ellen Gretchen Weyergang (1875-1954), married Edgar Llewellyn Briant (1870-1934) in 1898. Gretchen was the daughter of August and Mary Weyergang.
Bottom right: [Hermann Weyergang (1872-1932)]
Verso: H Webster New Plymouth.
Notes: Carl Hermann Alexander Weyergang, born in New Plymouth, was the eldest child of August and Mary Weyergang. Another print of this photo occurs in Grace Hobbs’ gift to Godfrey Briant of loose family photos as follows:
Printed writing on front: Webster / Photo
Handwriting on front: Hermann Weyergang
Printed writing on reverse: Photographed by / H? Webster / New Plymouth
Verso: D Webster New Plymouth.
Page 39
Top left: [woman]
Verso: Cater’s late Crombie’s Royal Fine Art photographic galleries. International exhibition 1862 honourable mention 1862. Londini honoris causa Auckland Est. 1855.
Top right: [two women], actual landscape photograph not CDV
Verso: blank
Bottom left: [woman]
Verso: portrait and landscape photographers Hemmus & Hannah Queen St Corner of Wellesley Street West Auckland copies and enlargements to any size finished and superior style in water oil or crayon may be had from this negative.
Bottom right: [man]
Verso: portrait and landscape photographers Hemmus & Hannah Queen St Corner of Wellesley Street West Auckland copies and enlargements to any size finished and superior style in water oil or crayon may be had from this negative.
Page 40
Printed poem pasted into album.
Anonymous, ‘Taranaki 1859 and 1860.’
- [Photograph of a street lined with houses]
Verso: ink inscription ‘Grandfather Weyergang’s house – the one at the end of the street – Lauenburg on the Elbe – near Hamburg – Germany’ - [Photograph stuck to green card of family sitting outside a house] inscription: Marie, Hans, Bertha, Otto Reimmann, Elisabeth, Henny, Mutter, Gerda, Johanna K.
Verso: blue ink inscription ‘Carl Philip August Alexander Weyergang’s sister and her family’ - [Constance Weyergang and daughters Margaret, Friedl and Faith]
Pencil inscription: ‘Mrs Weyergang and her three children, Margaret Jefferies, Mrs Weyergang Faith Simcock, and second daughter (killed motor accident).’
Ink inscription: ‘the wife and children of Carl Hermann Alexander Weyergang, 1. Gretchen Constance Emily (Margaret) 2. Friedl Mary, 3. Faith.’
Pencil inscription: ‘my father’s cousins.’
Notes: Roseanne Cranstone is author of third inscription. - [young man, New Plymouth]
Cabinet photo: [young man] J. C. Sinclair, New Plymouth, New Zealand.
Verso: inscription ‘Harris?’ - [Weyergang]
Carte de visite: [young woman] E.V. Spoenla Coethen.
Verso: Ed. Von Spoenla Hof-Photograph Cöthen 9. Leopoldstrasse 9. Prämiirt Halle A/S. 1881. Die Platte bleibt für Rachbestellungen aufbewahrt.
Notes: same studio as top right p5. - Copy of Edgar Guest poem, ‘Living Flowers’
Handwritten copy of poem beginning: ‘I’m Never alone in My garden’ by Edgar Albert Guest
Poem ‘Living flowers.’ First line: I’m never alone in the garden - [Julius Von Haast?]
Cabinet photo: [man] E Wheeler & Son photographers, Christchurch N.Z.
Verso: Pencil inscription ‘Harris?’ Ink inscription: Julius von Haast, New Plymouth, July 22nd 1885.’ E. Wheeler & Son Artists & Photographers Cathedral Square, Christchurch Established 1863. - [Margaret Weyergang]
Cabinet fold-out.
Verso: black pen inscription ‘Love from Margaret.’ Pencil inscription ‘(married name Jeffries).’ Blue pen inscription (same hand as pencil) ‘Real name – Gretchen Constance Emily Weyergang, 1st daughter of Carl Hermann A. Weyergang.’ - [Lord Stuart Rendel’s London residence, 10 Kensington Palace Green]
Cabinet photo: inscription ‘The 2nd Rendels House. 10 Kensington Palace Green, built in 1907 by May and Willett inhabited June 1908.
Verso: M. Guillon [?] photographers, Woodville road, Thornton Heath.