Memorials: 1861-1922

Memorials: 1861-1922

‘330  of all ranks of  the 57th. Regt. arrived today, they were landed In the course of the night. This division of the Regt. came from India, 400 more are to follow and are expected every day, being much wanted. The Alarm Bugle was sounded in and throughout the Town this evening about 9 o’clock, a s ene of confusion was the consequence, women and children hastening in every direction for safety to Marsland Hill, Church, Methodist Chapel and Block house near the Beach.            Every Soldier, Militiaman and Volunteer in the Town was under arms. About  1/2  past  10 orders were given for every one to  return to  their quarters (for homes they have not). The remainder of the night passed quietly. Myself, Mother and Nelly retired to the Barracks on Marsland Hill during the Alarm. The division of the  57th. were landed soon after midnight, the Moon shining delightfully, they came from Auckland.’

John Newland 23 Jan 1861

Thursday, Feb. 14.— […] From a reliable native source we learn that on Sunday and Monday the native loss was 4 killed, viz  Wi Ropata, one of Wi Kingi’s leading men, and a man of considerable influence in the Ngatiawa ; Netana, a Waikato chief, who was concerned in Coad’s murder ; Hohepa, a Ngatimaru ; and one of the Ngatimaniapoto.

Monday, Feb. 18. — […] Netana, who used to boast of having killed Corbyn Harris and Coad, was shot dead — three bullets striking him simultaneously. Wi Ropata is one of the three principal chiefs of Ngatiawa ; the names of the two others are Hare, and Ihaia te Wharepa.

Taranaki Herald Journal of Events

DIED, On the 18th instant, Harriet Loeta, eldest child of William Halse, Esq., aged 3 years 9 months.

Taranaki Herald 23 Feb 1861

JUST PUBLISHED A VIEW of the TOWN OF TARANAKI from Marsland Hill, showing the several forts, redoubts, barracks, and camps, the trenches, with the military ‘and Volunteers, &c, &c, on stone by Furgusson and Mitchell, Melbourne, from the Drawing taken on the spot by Edwin Harris, artist, Nelson. Price 10s.

Colonist 1 Mar 1861.


By His Excellency Sir George Grey, Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty’s Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, &c., &c.,  &c.

The Governor having been authorised to extend upon certain conditions, Her Majesty’s clemency to those tribes who have engaged in the present unhappy rebellion : Now, therefore, I, Sir George Grey, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify and proclaim that I will, in Her Majesty’s Name, and on Her Behalf, grant, a Pardon to all such persons implicated in the Rebellion, as may come in on or before the Tenth day of December next, take the Oath of Allegiance, and make the cession of such Territory as may in each instance be fixed by the Governor and the Lieut. General Commanding Her Majesty’s Forces in New Zealand.

All those persons who have been engaged in the rebellion who may desire to return within any part of the ceded territory, or within the limits of any European settlement, will be required to deliver up any arms or ammunition in their possession. The pardon promised in this Proclamation will not be extended to any person who may have been engaged in the murders of —

Samuel Shaw
Samuel Ford
Robert Passmore
Dr. Hope, Lieut. Tragett, and Soldiers, (4th May, 1863.)
Robert Patterson
Michael Meredith
Frederick Richard Meredith
William Cory Scott
Robert Watson
Hugh McLean
Sylvester Calvert
Charles Cooper
William John Jackson
Margaret Fahey
Jon Hamlin
Richard Trust
Nicholas Trust
James Droomgould
Henry Crann
Hugh Corbyn Harris
John Hurford
Gaffney (an Artilleryman)
Richard Brown
Ephraim Coad
William Cutfield King
John Hawkin

Given under my hand, at the Government House at Auckland, and issued under the seal of the Colony of New Zealand, this twenty-fifth day of October, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. G. Grey.

By His Excellency’s command. God save the Queen!

Taranaki Herald 5 November 1864

Hugh Corbyn Harris born Feb 9th 1835 left England for New Zealand, 1840 arrived 1841.

I feel quite unable to do justice to the memory of our dear & only son who was murdered by the Natives while doing duty as a Volunteer at the Waitara in the Province of Taranaki during the war of 1860.

The incidents of his life were few [one word, brought?] up.

Sarah Harris, Family History 1871

New Zealand Colonial Forces.
Form of Application for the NZ War Medal.

Name and address of Claimant: Edwin Harris for his son Corbyn Harris.
Nile St. East Nelson, New Zealand.

Corps in which served, Rank and period served, Regt if any:
Taranaki rifle Volunteers, Private, Five months.

Period of service in the field, place and date when the claimant was actually under fire or conspicuously distinguished himself: Five months, Killed by rebel Natives when actually on duty on 28 of July 1860.

The undersigned make application for the New Zealand Medal hereby discloses that the above particulars are true.

Dated New Plymouth, 18th day of November 1872. Edwin Harris, late of Taranaki Militia.

I hereby certify that the above named was actually under fire & conspicuously distinguished himself, on the date specified & is entitled to the New Zealand War Medal in accordance with the Resolution of the House of Representatives dated 1 September 1869.

Staff Ast.
Major, Commanding Corps, Taranaki District.

I Edwin Harris of Nelson New Zealand hereby acknowledge to have received from the under secretary for Colonial Defence, a New Zealand War Medal, awarded to me by Her Majesty’s Imperial Government, for services in the Taranaki War of Defence 1860, rended by my late son Corbin Harris of the Rifle Volunteers.

(Signature of recipient) Edwin Harris

Witness Emily C Harris

Dated at Nelson this 27th day of December 1874.

Sacred to the memory of Hugh Corbyn Harris aged 25 years who was cruelly murdered by the rebel Maoris at Waitera on the 28th July 1860. ‘Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord even so saith the spirit for they rest from their labours.’ Also Frances Emma Harris born Feb. 1842 died Sept. 1892.

Gravestone inscription in St Mary’s Churchyard

As far as I can remember re Harris, Mrs Harris was a sister of my mother, daughters of Mr Hill of Plymouth Devon.    He, Mr H I believe was an artist but went out to N.Z. for some Company, & as the letters state landed in New Plymouth. I has scores of letters from the family which were addressed to a sister of Mrs Harris Miss Emma Jane Hill, Liskeard, Cornwall, England. After her death they were sent to my mother Mrs Paddon, 10 Horbury Crescent Notting Hill London but when our house was given up shortly before my mother’s death, I had to destroy all superfluous papers etc. and for a time I corresponded with one of the daughters, I think Emily, the eldest.

Mr and Mrs Harris had 6 daughters & one son Corbyn & had a pretty house at New Plymouth, I had a small painting of it, but it has gone the way of many other treasures, & I believe were quite comfortable on the land, I suppose a grant, until the Maori war broke out when their cattle were destroyed, house burned & their son Corbyn who was an officer I believe was killed by the Natives, I think the family then go to Nelson & after many hardships I think Mr Harris opened a school & the daughters I have heard were musical & were harpists some married, but not having kept the later letters I forget the names of husbands, we had a large painting of Mrs Harris, I think painted by her husband, which when I heard of Mrs Harris’ death I cut from the frame & sent to the daughters.

I was born in 1849 so am about the age of their younger daughters who are if living my first cousins.

I must add that when or after Corbyn Harris was killed a very special sermon was preached, about him, printed & copies sent to England and I think I recollect that a tombstone was erected, whether in New Plymouth or Nelson I do not remember, but I think the stone was sent from England.

Mary Mountjoy Paddon

Watford Heath Hereford, England
24 / 12 / 1922